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Die Treppe: eines der wichtigsten Bauelemente in der Architektur. Ganz klar, dass ein fundiertes Fachwissen über Normen, Materialien, Konstruktion und Montage Grundvoraussetzung für die Realisierung innovativer Treppenlösungen ist. Deswegen entstehen unsere designaffinen Treppenkonstruktionen in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Architekten, Planern und Bauherren. Ab der ersten Bauphase.
Eine Treppe ist mehr als nur die Verbindung der verschiedenen Geschosse. Sie ist Gestaltungselement, Hingucker, ja sogar Highlight eines Gebäudes. Ihre Konstruktion ein Kunstwerk, das der engen Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Architekten und unserem Fachbetrieb entspringt. Die Anpassung an den Gebäudestil und der Standort sind dabei ebenso maßgebend wie die Wahl der richtigen Materialien. So eignet sich zum Beispiel Stahl aufgrund der hohen Zugfestigkeit und Formsteife der Profile hervorragend für die tragenden Bauteile und lässt sehr elegante, schlanke und leicht wirkende Treppen realisieren.
Type, function and placement
Even the most beautiful staircase is not much good if it is the wrong size or shape, or constructed from the wrong material. Our goal is to combine design and function, aesthetics and comfort of use into one harmonious blend and to build the perfect staircase for each purpose. Main staircases, for example, must meet different criteria from secondary, external or emergency staircases. While the former should be wide and comfortable to walk on, secondary staircases – such as attic or storage room staircases – may be narrower, steeper and more unassuming in design. External and emergency staircases are a special case, in that they should not only blend into into the building’s outer appearance, but also guarantee safe use in wet and icy conditions, as well as be protected against corrosion, among other things. We have mastered the science of staircase construction down to the last detail, naturally including thorough knowledge of applicable laws and regulations. This is why, when it comes to staircases, countless planners and architects worldwide rely on us for their projects.
The safety and feasibility of a stairway is dependent on: Tread depth, Riser height and Slope.
Stairs with too short of a tread depth are tiring and dangerous, while stairs with too long of a tread depth often lead to stumble. In the latter case, the number of landings should be increased. The ratio s/a (riser height/tread depth)is called the slope ratio which is in relation to the stride of an adult: when one ascends a stair, the step length is reduced in respect to the average value of 65 cm, double the height difference that you wish to overcome.
The following rules apply to stairs:
Rule of passage: 2 steps + 1 tread depth = 59-65 cm
Physical Noise requirements – DIN 4109
Walking on a stair produces noise which is distributed throughout the interior of the building. We make sure we address this in our construction practices by refraining from placement of metallic elements directly on walls or concrete. Placement of adequate noise absorption materials (rubber or cork) between metallic elements and walls or concrete make our construction superior.